Who we are…

A multi-disciplinary group focussed on pre-hospital care, providing educational opportunities in this growing field.

Check out our Events page for upcoming forums, and our Resources page for previously recorded sessions.

Meet the Commitee

  • Lisa Ramage


    Lisa is Emergency Medicine and PHEM doctor. She works at Essex & Herts Air Ambulance, MAGPAS and at the Royal London Hospital. She is a module lead for the BSc in PreHospital Care at QMUL.

  • Angela Croucher


    Angela is a Paramedic with the East of England Ambulance Service and the BASICS charity NARS. Having spent over 15 years working on paediatric intensive care unit, she is now interested in pre-hospital critical care provision.

  • Yousef Maait


    Yousef is an FY2 doctor based in London and a recent graduate from Cambridge. With an interest in critical care and prehospital medicine and a commitment to enhancing exposure to PHEM in medical education, he has played a role in establishing the PCP's student program.

  • Sam Harris


    Sam is a student paramedic at ARU. He has worked with the Royal Navy and with EHAAT as a clinical support assistant. He has an interest in critical care and developing prehospital education opportunities for paramedic students.

  • Katie Diss


    Katie is a graduate-entry medical student at Cambridge. She has a keen interest in ITU and Anaesthetics, and hopes to work in extreme medicine and the humanitarian field in the future.

  • David Gray


    David is a 5th year Medical Student who was part of the pilot cohort of SSC students within the Prehospital Care Programme. Following some incredible experiences, he now is aspiring to a future career in PHEM. He currently helps with advertising and running of the forums each month.

  • Elena Ahjem


    Elena is a 5th year Medical Student who was part of the pilot cohort of SSC students within the Prehospital Care Programme. After having had an amazing experience gaining insight into careers in PHEM, she now helps to mentor the current SSC students and helps with the smooth running and advertising of forums each month.

  • Jess Webb


    Jess is a medical student at Cambridge. She was one of the students in the first cohort of the Cambridge PCP’s Selected Student Component last year. She has an interest in prehospital care and now wants to help develop the programme following her very positive experience.